2.2 Detailed conclusion table per each integral for all CAS systems

  Integrals 1 to 100
  Integrals 101 to 200
  Integrals 201 to 300
  Integrals 301 to 306

Detailed conclusion table per each integral is given by the table below. The elapsed time is in seconds. For failed result it is given as F(-1) if the failure was due to timeout. It is given as F(-2) if the failure was due to an exception being raised, which could indicate a bug in the system. If the failure was due to integral not being evaluated within the time limit, then it is given as F.

In this table, the column N.S. means normalized size and is defined as \(\frac {\text {antiderivative leaf size}}{\text {optimal antiderivative leaf size}}\). To make the table fit the page, the name Mathematica was abbreviated to MMA.